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The need for boats:

Nowadays, nearly 50% of the world population lives within 100km of oceans. For these people boats are an essential tool for their sea and river activities (public transport, fishing, etc…) as well as for the access to medical care, education and other services. In many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, coastal communities are facing issues that make the use of boats difficult and dangerous. Watever wishes to act in a sustainable way by developing Floating Solutions to improve the living conditions of these populations.


Watever now operates mainly in Bangladesh, the country that is the most threatened by the effects of climate change and the first largest delta in the world. Its fleet is unsafe even though it is considered as the largest in the world with 800 000 to 1 000 000 boats. Due to deforestation the good quality timber is not easily accessible anymore while the countless fishing boats and passenger carriers must be rebuilt quickly. As a result many lives are lost, as well as boats that collapse, which leads to significant social and economic difficulties.

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Our mission

Watever is an NGO composed of professionals of the sea, transports and development. Watever carries assistance to people in need living along the shores of rivers and oceans. The organization enables an access to innovating and lasting floating solutions that are adapted to their economic, social and climatic situations.

Download our  brochure here ici.


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Currently Watever’s missions are mainly based in Bangladesh. Watever’s action is organized around three complementary intervention axes:

1/ Support:

Projet TaraTari

Watever supports shipyards that share its values and its development mission. The organization sends qualified volunteers and transfers to its partners new adapted technologies to local conditions and implemented sustainably which can be disseminated through all the country.This network of partners enables the practical and direct implementation of solutions.

2/ Training

Le centre de Formation

Beyond support and assistance, Watever develops a transfer of knowledge which is adapted and formalized to local populations. The training includes the use of modern techniques and technologies as well as the use of future innovations that are developed by Watever.

Research and development

Bio composite Bambou =

Watever répond aux besoins des populations locales par :

  • La conception de solutions flottantes optimisées
  • La recherche de matériaux à base de ressources naturelles locales
Watever answers to the local populations’ needs by
  • The conception of adapted floating solutions
  • The research in materials available in the local area of the shipyard

Supported projects

La M.S.R.S : les Secours en mer au Bangladesh
Le Bateau Lune de Cox's Bazar
Le Golden Boat de Kuakata

M.S.R.S: Maritime Security and Rescue Society in Bangladesh / Moon Boat from Cox’s Bazar ou Cox’s Bazar’s Moon Boat/  / The Golden Boat of Kuakata ou Kuakata’s Golden-Boat

Watever also supports projects that are in line with its values in the field of:

  • Rescue at sea De la préservation du patrimoine /
  • Preservation of naval heritage

